
Case Study: Returning to Work After a Break with Outcome Skills

Modele KompetencjiBack to work after a break


The decision to return to work after a break related to raising children can be difficult and stressful. Many parents, especially mothers, struggle with a sense of confusion and lack of self-confidence. This was the case for me. Thanks to the support of my husband and the development of my competency model, I managed not only to return to the job market, but also to effectively develop my skills. The following case study describes my journey from the moment of deciding to return to work, through professional development, including the idea and creation of the Outcome Skills tool, to achieving my intended goals.

A breakthrough moment

After a few years away from work to raise my children, I decided to go back to work. However, when I looked at job offers, I felt lost and uncertain about my skills. I didn’t know how to present my experiences from my previous work and the one I did at home in a professional context. In addition, the requirements and names of the positions seemed foreign to me. I was afraid that my skills might be outdated and the lack of continuity in my professional experience would make me an unattractive candidate on the job market.

A new approach to careers

My husband, who has managed teams for years and has experience in mentoring, came to the rescue. Thanks to his support and work methods, I was able to identify and name my skills. For years, he had been working with teams to create maps of competence development. First, in the form of notes on a flipchart, later on Miro. However, there was a lack of a tool that would speed up this process and automate the creation of competence models. This is how the idea of ​​Outcome Skills was born, a platform that helps build self-confidence and achieve professional success. I decided that we would create such a tool, and I would test its functionality on myself, hoping that it would help me return to the job market.

Implementation of Outcome Skills

    • Competency Mapping

      My husband helped me write down and name all the tasks I did both at work and at home. This created a detailed map of my competencies, which included time management, household budget, event organization, and many others. I realized that many of the tasks I did at home had their counterparts in my professional life and could be valuable experiences. For example, organizing children’s birthdays is event planning, and managing a household budget is financial management.
    • Outcome Skills Tool

      Instead of manually creating a competency map, the Outcome Skills tool, with the support of AI, automated this process. This allowed me to quickly and efficiently create competency models that were tailored to my professional needs and goals. (Generating a model for any position takes less than 10 minutes. Each subsequent update shortens this process even more.) Thanks to this, I could focus on developing skills, instead of wasting time on creating documentation. This tool also offers the possibility of choosing areas that interest us and the roles we play in the organization. On the other hand, the Task Board helps in developing specific skills, such as communication, project management or negotiation techniques.
    • Career Development and Planning

      Using Outcome Skills, I was able to plan my career path. The tool helped me set goals, monitor progress and develop the necessary competencies. Thanks to this, I was able to consciously and effectively manage my professional development. I introduced task planning and goal setting into my daily routine, which allowed me to better manage my time and achieve the intended results more effectively. Career planning became clearer thanks to the possibility of setting priorities and consulting the scope of activities with my husband – a mentor.


    • Increased Self Confidence

      Thanks to the competency map and the Outcome Skills tool, I gained self-confidence. I realized that I have many valuable skills that can be useful in my professional career. My experiences related to running a household and raising children stopped being an obstacle for me, and began to be an added value. I broke through my internal barriers and began to see my skills in a new light.
    • Effective Progress Monitoring

      Outcome Skills allowed me to monitor my progress and consciously develop my skills. I could track which competencies I had already acquired and which ones still required work. The tool provided me with feedback, which motivated me to continue working on myself and allowed me to correct my actions on an ongoing basis. Regular monitoring of the Task Board allowed me to analyze progress on an ongoing basis and adjust my action plans.
    • Real Achievements

      Starting with simple tasks, I gradually moved to higher levels of advancement. Thanks to the small steps method, I achieved subsequent goals and was able to present clients with specific effects of my work. I gradually developed my competences, which translated into real professional achievements and personal satisfaction. Examples of such achievements include completed projects, obtained certificates and positive opinions from colleagues.


Outcome Skills has proven to be an indispensable tool in my journey back to the job market. It has helped me identify and name my skills, plan my career path and monitor my progress. Thanks to this tool, I have been able to effectively return to work and develop my skills, which has brought me satisfaction and real professional success. Outcome Skills has become not only a work tool for me, but also support in my daily development and motivation to further improve my skills.


The decision to return to work after a break related to raising children was a challenge, but thanks to the support of my husband and the Outcome Skills tool, which thanks to our joint work took on real shape, I managed to overcome the difficulties. Now I can confidently recommend Outcome Skills to others who, like me, want to return to the job market and develop their skills in a conscious and effective way. This tool turned out to be crucial in my path to achieving professional success and personal satisfaction.

Next Steps

I plan to continue working with Outcome Skills, constantly developing my skills and monitoring my progress. I am convinced that this tool will be crucial in the further development of my professional career. I also want to share my experiences with others to help them return to the job market and develop their competences. I hope that my story will inspire others to act and show that returning to work after a break is possible and can be full of success.

Outcome Skills is a tool that allows for effective career planning, conscious skill development and progress monitoring. Thanks to it, you can achieve your professional goals and enjoy fulfilled dreams. My experience shows that even after a long break related to raising children, you can return to the job market and be successful. All you need is the right support to overcome all obstacles and achieve your intended goals.


Register at OutcomeSkills.com to test competency models and start planning your career. If you think the tool could use additional options, contact us!




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